Calculate Comprehensive Tour Statistics
Computes various statistics for each tour, including show counts, song counts, and variability metrics.
- data_inc_snippets
A data frame similar to 'data' but including snippet performances.
- tour_order
A data frame with a 'tour' column specifying the desired order of tours (optional).
- data
A data frame in concertData format, containing at least 'tour', 'showID', 'song_title', and 'song_position' columns.
A data frame with columns:
tour: Name of the tour (as a factor if tour_order is provided)
total_shows: Total number of shows in the tour
avg_songs_per_show: Average number of songs per show
total_unique_songs: Total number of unique songs played (excluding snippets)
total_unique_snippets: Total number of unique snippets played
overall_variability: Ratio of unique songs to average songs per show