Find Most Played Opening Songs by Tour
This function identifies the most frequently played opening songs for each tour, returning a specified number of top songs based on their play counts.
- concert_data
A data frame containing concert information with the following columns: - `tour`: The name of the tour. - `date`: The date of the concert. - `song_title`: The title of the song performed. - `song_position`: The position of the song in the setlist. - `snippet`: Logical indicating whether the song was played as a snippet.
- top_n
An integer specifying the maximum number of top opening songs to return per tour (default is 3).
A data frame sorted by tour start date (descending), containing columns: - `tour`: The name of the tour. - `song_title`: The title of the most played opening song. - `times_played`: The number of times the song was played as an opening song. For each tour, it returns up to `top_n` most played opening songs, or fewer if the tour has less unique opening songs.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
top_openers_by_tour <- find_most_played_opening_songs_by_tour(concert_data)
top_5_openers_by_tour <- find_most_played_opening_songs_by_tour(concert_data, top_n = 5)
} # }