Initial Data Exploration


Hans van Leeuwen

Comparing my data and numbers with

I performed an initial data exploration, comparing some numbers with the U2 tour statistics listed on the site page: Remember, that is the source of my data.

# load required libraries

# read file
u2data <- read_csv("u2data/archive/u2data_all_shows_clean.csv")
# number of countries where U2 played shows
cat("Number of countries: ", nrow(unique(u2data[,c('country')])), "\n")
Number of countries:  48 

The number at (October 2024) is 49 ( We see here that in my data there is 1 country less compared to what is listed at Now let’s check the number of different songs played over all shows.

# number of different songs played by U2 at the shows
cat("Number of songs played at the shows: ", nrow(unique(u2data[,c('song_title')])), "\n")
Number of songs played at the shows:  993 

The number at (October 2024) is 994 ( We see here that in my data there is 1 song less compared to what is listed at Now let’s check number of shows played in some cities.

# cities with most shows played (only top 5 plus Amsterdam)
aggregate(data=u2data,  showID ~ city, subset = city %in% c('Dublin', 'New York', 'London', 'Las Vegas', 'Los Angeles', 'Amsterdam'),  function(x) length(unique(x))) %>%
         city showID
1      Dublin    145
2    New York    131
3      London    100
4   Las Vegas     53
5 Los Angeles     50
6   Amsterdam     19

When we compare that with (Oct 2024 screen shot below) we see that the numbers are not the same.

Number of shows per city - source - October 2024.

Let’s dive into the Amsterdam shows where my data contains 19 and lists 23.

# shows done in Amsterdam venues
amsterdam_data <- subset(u2data, city == 'Amsterdam', select = c("showID","city","venue", "tour"))
aggregate(data=amsterdam_data, showID ~ tour + venue, function(x) length(unique(x))) %>%
                             tour                  venue showID
1                 U2 Vertigo Tour        Amsterdam ArenA      3
2                U2 Various Dates Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ      1
3                U2 Various Dates               Paradiso      1
4                U2 Various Dates             Westerunie      1
5                 U2 October Tour               Paradiso      1
6                U2 Lovetown Tour         Rai Europa Hal      1
7        U2 Joshua Tree Tour 2017        Amsterdam ArenA      2
8  U2 Innocence + Experience Tour             Ziggo Dome      4
9  U2 Experience + Innocence Tour             Ziggo Dome      2
10                    U2 Boy Tour           The Milkyway      1
11                   U2 360° Tour        Amsterdam ArenA      2

The info:

Shows in Amsterdam - source - October 2024.

The 4 shows that are missing in my data are:

  • 1981-02-11: Unknown Bar - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1981-02-11: Paradiso - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1989-12-19: Rai Europa Hal - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 1989-12-20: Rai Europa Hal - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Checking these on, we see that these are all shows that do not have a set list (no played songs listed), while all the other 19 Amsterdam shows do have a set list. Confirming that these are missing from my data:

# check Amsterdam shows that were missing before
missing_Amsterdam_shows <- subset(u2data, date == '1981-02-11' | date == '1989-12-19' | date == '1989-12-20', select = c("date","venue"))
# A tibble: 0 × 2
# ℹ 2 variables: date <date>, venue <chr>

I concluded that the shows without set lists had not been stored by my scraping code. Indeed, when I went back to check my scraping code I saw where the issue was. Thus, I adapted the code to retrieve those 297 shows without set list, and then added them to the final data file:

First create new file with header:

head -n 1 u2data_all_shows_clean.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv

Then concatenate content from 3 data files into the new file (skipping headers):

tail -n +2 -q u2data_all_shows_clean.csv >> u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv 
tail -n +2 -q u2analytics_data_nosetlistshows-dates.csv >> u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv

Confirm data after adding the shows without setlist

After adding the shows without set list I loaded and explored the data again.

# load required libraries

# read data
# note: file name was changed after an issue with city names was detected
u2data <- read_csv('u2data/archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final_incorrect_cities.csv')
# number of countries where U2 played shows
cat("Number of countries: ", nrow(unique(u2data[,c('country')])), "\n")
Number of countries:  49 

Remember, from earlier, that the number of countries listed at is 49. So, this is now correct in my data. Now let’s look at the number of different songs played again.

# number of different songs played by U2 at the shows
cat("Number of songs played at the shows: ", nrow(unique(u2data[,c('song_title')])), "\n")
Number of songs played at the shows:  994 

The number at (October 2024) is 994 (, which is the same as in my data.

# cities with most shows played (only top 5 plus Amsterdam)
aggregate(data=u2data,  showID ~ city, subset = city %in% c('Dublin', 'New York', 'London', 'Las Vegas', 'Los Angeles', 'Amsterdam'),  function(x) length(unique(x))) %>%
         city showID
1      Dublin    202
2    New York    146
3      London    125
4   Las Vegas     54
5 Los Angeles     53
6   Amsterdam     23

This still does not fully coincide with the statistics:

Number of shows per city - source - October 2024.

I’ll look at that in a bit but first let’s check the Amsterdam shows again.

# shows done in Amsterdam venues
amsterdam_data <- subset(u2data, city == 'Amsterdam', select = c("showID","city","venue", "tour"))
aggregate(data=amsterdam_data, showID ~ tour + venue, function(x) length(unique(x))) %>%
                             tour                  venue showID
1                 U2 Vertigo Tour        Amsterdam ArenA      3
2                U2 Various Dates Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ      1
3                U2 Various Dates               Paradiso      1
4                U2 Various Dates            Unknown Bar      1
5                U2 Various Dates             Westerunie      1
6                 U2 October Tour               Paradiso      1
7                U2 Lovetown Tour         Rai Europa Hal      3
8        U2 Joshua Tree Tour 2017        Amsterdam ArenA      2
9  U2 Innocence + Experience Tour             Ziggo Dome      4
10 U2 Experience + Innocence Tour             Ziggo Dome      2
11                    U2 Boy Tour               Paradiso      1
12                    U2 Boy Tour           The Milkyway      1
13                   U2 360° Tour        Amsterdam ArenA      2

The 4 shows that were missing earlier now do appear in my data.

# check Amsterdam shows that were missing before
missing_Amsterdam_shows <- subset(u2data, date == '1981-02-11' | date == '1989-12-19' | date == '1989-12-20', select = c("date", "venue"))
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  date       venue         
  <date>     <chr>         
1 1981-02-11 Paradiso      
2 1989-12-19 Rai Europa Hal
3 1989-12-20 Rai Europa Hal
4 1981-02-11 Unknown Bar   

Fixing incorrect city and venue names

As mentioned, the number of shows in some cities did not fully match the number listed at I explored this by obtaining a list of all cities listed at (, and by getting a list of unique city names in my data:

# get and print unique cities
# A tibble: 410 × 1
 1 Dublin    
 2 Glasgow   
 3 Rotterdam 
 4 Amsterdam 
 5 New York  
 6 Washington
 7 Belfast   
 8 Drammen   
 9 Edinburgh 
10 Stockholm 
# ℹ 400 more rows

I took the list of cities from both sources in Excel and identified the different city entries. I observed 5 strange city entries in my data:

  • arne
  • elin
  • enis
  • losters
  • rent

I then retrieved more info about these entries in my data, including the showID so that I could manually check these shows at

# check cities not listed at

extra_cities <- subset(u2data, city == 'arne' | city == 'elin' | city == 'enis' | city == 'losters' | city == 'rent', select = c("showID", "country", "city", "date","venue"))
# A tibble: 247 × 5
   showID country city  date       venue                       
    <dbl> <chr>   <chr> <date>     <chr>                       
 1    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 2    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 3    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 4    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 5    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 6    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 7    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 8    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
 9    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
10    978 France  arne  1980-12-04 Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su
# ℹ 237 more rows

I concluded that the following correct city names corresponded to these entries:

  • arne -> Nogent-sur-Marne
  • elin -> Vaulx-en-Velin
  • enis -> Saint-Denis
  • losters -> Davos-Klosters
  • rent -> Stoke-on-Trent

All these issues were caused by a flaw in the scraping code when using a regular expression to separate the venue from the city. The issue occurred either when dashes ‘-’ were present in the city name or in the venue name.

I corrected this with the following commands in the data file:

# Step 1: change "Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su","arne" to "Pavillon Baltard","Nogent-sur-Marne"
# first check pattern
grep '\"Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su\",\"arne\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv | wc -l
# now replace
awk '{gsub(/\"Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su\",\"arne\"/,"\"Pavillon Baltard\",\"Nogent-sur-Marne\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv
# check result
grep '\"Pavillon Baltard - Nogent-su\",\"arne\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv | wc -l
grep '\"Pavillon Baltard\",\"Nogent-sur-Marne\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv | wc -l

# Step 2: change "Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics - Vaulx-e","elin" to "Ecole Nationale des Travaux Public","Vaulx-en-Velin"
# first check pattern
grep '\"Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics - Vaulx-e\",\"elin\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv | wc -l
# now replace
awk '{gsub(/\"Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics - Vaulx-e\",\"elin\"/,"\"Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics\",\"Vaulx-en-Velin\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv
# check result
grep '\"Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics - Vaulx-e\",\"elin\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv | wc -l
grep '\"Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics\",\"Vaulx-en-Velin\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv | wc -l

# Step 3: change "Stade de France - Sain","enis" to "Stade de France","Saint-Denis"
# first check pattern
grep '\"Stade de France - Sain\",\"enis\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv | wc -l
# now replace
awk '{gsub(/\"Stade de France - Sain\",\"enis\"/,"\"Stade de France\",\"Saint-Denis\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv
# check result
grep '\"Stade de France - Sain\",\"enis\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv | wc -l
grep '\"Stade de France","Saint-Denis\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv | wc -l

# Step 4: change "World Economic Forum - Davo","losters" to "World Economic Forum","Davos-Klosters"
# first check pattern
grep '\"World Economic Forum - Davo\",\"losters\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv | wc -l
# now replace
awk '{gsub(/\"World Economic Forum - Davo\",\"losters\"/,"\"World Economic Forum\",\"Davos-Klosters\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv
# check result
grep '\"World Economic Forum - Davo\",\"losters\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv | wc -l
grep '\"World Economic Forum","Davos-Klosters\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv | wc -l

# Step 5: change "King's Hall - Stoke-o","rent" to "King's Hall","Stoke-on-Trent"
# first check pattern
grep "\"King\'s Hall - Stoke-o\",\"rent\"" u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv | wc -l
# now replace 
# note that \047 is used to match the single quote
awk '{gsub(/\"King\047s Hall - Stoke-o\",\"rent\"/,"\"King\047s Hal\",\"Stoke-on-Trent\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final6.csv
# check result
grep "\"King\'s Hall - Stoke-o\",\"rent\"" u2data_all_shows_clean_final6.csv | wc -l | wc -l
grep "\"King's Hal\",\"Stoke-on-Trent\"" u2data_all_shows_clean_final6.csv | wc -l

# file house keeping
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final_incorrect_cities.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final2.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final3.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final4.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final5.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final6.csv u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv

Fixing additional issues in the song_lyrics field

Loading the file with read_csv() still produced some error messages in the song_lyrics field. In the affected lines I observed three potential issues: ;“,”;, “. This was fixed as follows:

# Step 1: fix ";
grep '";' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv | wc -l
awk '{gsub(/\";/,"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final7.csv
grep '";' u2data_all_shows_clean_final7.csv | wc -l

# Step 2: fix ;"
grep ';"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv | wc -l
awk '{gsub(/;\"/,"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final7.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final8.csv
grep ';"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final8.csv | wc -l

# Step 3: fix \"
grep '\\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv | wc -l
awk '{gsub(/\\"/,"\"")}1' u2data_all_shows_clean_final8.csv > u2data_all_shows_clean_final9.csv
grep '\\"' u2data_all_shows_clean_final9.csv | wc -l
# file house keeping       
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final_incorrect_cities_more_issues.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final7.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final7.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final8.csv archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final8.csv
mv u2data_all_shows_clean_final9.csv u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv

Final data loading of fixed data

Now the fixed data file was loaded in R with read_CSV() successfully:

# load required libraries

# read file
# normally the following file would be read
# however after this "final" file was loaded one more issue was detected
# this issue is referred to as the 'Rosemont duplication issue'
# this is explained on the 'Basic Statistics U2 Concerts' page of this report
# u2data <- read_csv('u2data/u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv')

# for the sake of the rmarkdown report 
# read the following file where the Rosemont duplication was not fixed yet
u2data <- read_csv('u2data/archive/u2data_all_shows_clean_final_rosemontdup.csv')
Rows: 39674 Columns: 15
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (10): tour, leg, venue, city, state, country, song_title, show_url, son...
dbl   (2): showID, song_position
lgl   (2): snippet, encore
date  (1): date

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# see the structure of the data frame
spc_tbl_ [39,674 × 15] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ showID       : num [1:39674] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
 $ tour         : chr [1:39674] "U2 Early Days" "U2 Early Days" "U2 Early Days" "U2 Early Days" ...
 $ leg          : chr [1:39674] "Early Days - Irish Shows, 1976-78" "Early Days - Irish Shows, 1976-78" "Early Days - Irish Shows, 1976-78" "Early Days - Irish Shows, 1976-78" ...
 $ date         : Date[1:39674], format: "1977-04-11" "1977-04-11" ...
 $ venue        : chr [1:39674] "St Fintan's School" "St Fintan's School" "St Fintan's School" "St Fintan's School" ...
 $ city         : chr [1:39674] "Dublin" "Dublin" "Dublin" "Dublin" ...
 $ state        : chr [1:39674] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ country      : chr [1:39674] "Ireland" "Ireland" "Ireland" "Ireland" ...
 $ song_position: num [1:39674] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 ...
 $ snippet      : logi [1:39674] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
 $ encore       : logi [1:39674] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
 $ song_title   : chr [1:39674] "Show Me The Way" "Johnny B. Goode" "Nights In White Satin" "Peaceful Easy Feeling" ...
 $ show_url     : chr [1:39674] "" "" "" "" ...
 $ song_url     : chr [1:39674] "" "" "" "" ...
 $ song_lyrics  : chr [1:39674] "I wonder how your feeling. There's ringing in my ears. And no one to relate to, 'cept the sea.  Who can I beliv"| __truncated__ "Deep down Louisiana close to New Orleans Way back up in the woods among the evergreens There stood a log cabin "| __truncated__ "Nights in white satin Never reaching the end; Letters I've written Never meaning to send  Beauty I'd always mis"| __truncated__ "I like the way your sparkling earrings lay, against your skin, it's so brown and I wanna sleep with you in the "| __truncated__ ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols(
  ..   showID = col_double(),
  ..   tour = col_character(),
  ..   leg = col_character(),
  ..   date = col_date(format = ""),
  ..   venue = col_character(),
  ..   city = col_character(),
  ..   state = col_character(),
  ..   country = col_character(),
  ..   song_position = col_double(),
  ..   snippet = col_logical(),
  ..   encore = col_logical(),
  ..   song_title = col_character(),
  ..   show_url = col_character(),
  ..   song_url = col_character(),
  ..   song_lyrics = col_character()
  .. )
 - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr> 

Hans van Leeuwen 2024 | E-mail | LinkedIn | X-Twitter